Friday, December 13, 2013

                        Hieronymus Bosch Dutch painter (1450-1516 AD . ) Real name - Hieronymus Van Akeni , the major themes of his works were religious - allegorical genre pictures. Bosch was marked by a mixture of real and fantastic , painting in her paintings of the saints, largely on the issue of temptation . Bosch never signed his pictures with the date and kheltse some of his work below, now preserved in only 25 of his masterpiece. 
Hieronymus Bosch Dutch painter , Leonardo Michelangelo and modern. On the one hand , medieval and Renaissance art was standing at the border , but none of them belonged to the whole. Simply put, the Bosch to create an island in the vast ocean of Art , where he was alone . Only centuries later renamed the humanity of her paintings conventionally surealizme .  

Bosch's art was a symbol of the explanation may be, but there is such a thing still remained secret, or why there is not one or two opinions. Hieronymus Bosch's works are still a mystery.

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