Friday, December 20, 2013

Amedeo Clemente Modigliani 

Amedeo Modigliani was born Jewish - separdebis Flamingo and modilianisa
Eugenia garsinis family in Livorno. 
Mother nature has had the greatest impact on the young Modigliani's romantic outlook. Mother's diary, which he produced after birth Amedeo, is - one source confirming the artist's life. 
Modigliani main legacy consists mainly of drawings and sketches.'s Point person for all of the work. Notable for his work with modern trends such as Cubism and Fauvism.
Modigliani ill with pleurisy at the age of 11, and typhoid in 1908, which at that time was cured.
Modigliani's works have become popular in his lifetime, his paintings gained success only after his death. Modigliani poor health and was often ill, and as a result died at the age of 35 on January 24, 1920. 
Filmed in 2004, directed by Mick Davis, the film "Modigliani", where Andy Garcia plays the role of the artist. 

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